Give65 Program
Give65, the signature program of Helping Seniors Charities, is the primary way we distribute funds to charitable organizations serving aging adults. Learn more about the different ways to make a difference through Give65 as a donor or participating charitable organization.
Senior woman smiles while looking out a window

Save the Dates

Annual Giving Events

During two annual events, charitable organizations can rally their communities to raise funds, recruit volunteers and increase awareness for their programs and services that are giving aging adults hope. Save the following dates:

  • #GivingTuesday Celebration: November 29, 2022
  • Give65 Event: July 12 - 15, 2022
Senior standing with purse in hallway
Become a Partner

The Give65 program includes two main fundraising events, the Give65 Event in July and the #GivingTuesday celebration at the end of the year. Learn more about the program and how charitable organizations can apply to participate.

Apply to Participate on

Volunteer takes grocery item from shelf
Donate to a Nonprofit

Supporting Give65 organizations is a meaningful way to give back to less fortunate aging adults. Learn more about our partnering organizations and the critical services and programs they provide to older adults. You can search based on location or a cause that is close to your heart.

Give to a Charitable Organization on

Elderly woman sits smiling at camera
Support the Give65 Fund

The Give65 Incentive Fund provides financial incentives during our giving events to inspire donors to give and to give at a greater level. Your contribution increases the matching grants and financial rewards available to partnering organizations during the Give65 Event and #GivingTuesday celebration

Donate to the Give65 Incentive Fund